Welp! Looks like Blogger's Picture Uploader is currently on the fritz. I had this rock'n cool photo that I wanted to start off with in on my
Trouble post. (That's the blog I want Blogger to PLZ save if this is your first time visiting). Instead, I had to upload photos using
Flick'r and while its nice and serves its purpose, it just doesn't give me the same effect I want on my posts..
Something strange also happened to me today, of course it took a few times of persistent republishing before I could proceed without getting this error sign: 450 Write error: No space left on deviceblog/20/43/11/troublealwayshasadoor/2006/02/maybe-im-not-clueless-after-watching.html
Also, in my post I linked to a past post. I click on the individual archive in my sidebar (if my sidebar happens to be there) and then the url that comes up I copy and paste as my link. Well, when I hit the title in the archive, it came up as a blank page with one of my flickr badges on it. Just one flickr badge, no sidebar, no text, NADA, Nothing! Very strange and bizarre. Is my blog posessed? Well, I did forget to pray over it last night. Here's what I think you should do if you have problems. See what Chuck has to say because
Chuck has some really great, extremely thurough adivce today that address most of the problems I am talking about. Let's give it one more try for my rock'n cool photo, if you see it, picture uploader has fixed itself!!
Well, what do you know....hopefully y'all have the time to put in to try, try and try again. Seems like these problems really are hit and miss!